
Am I Ready? Am I Willing?

I am reading a book written by Anne Graham Lotz called The Magnificent Obsession.  The first chapter is about Genesis 12:1 - 13:4 and covers Abraham's choice to leave what is familiar to him and follow God to where He wanted to take him. Would you take a moment to read this passage and consider the decision that Abraham made so quickly to follow God to a place he had never been before! 
What is familiar to me is having people around me that extend grace to me, people who love me and have time for me, people who want to challenge me and help me learn more about God and desire to see me grow in my relationship with Christ.  I enjoy choosing the foods that I eat, I don't have to encounter animals I fear, I am comfortable in my home and my husband and I are able to pay our bills each month.  This all sounds nice, but where should I be?  I should be at a place that what I instead would describe as familiar to me is that I am 100% emotionally and physically dependent on God.  I should not rely on what I think is right, or what I have been taught is right....I should have a first impulse to read scripture - to look to the word of God that we have been given as a gift when seeking direction and answers!  I am surrounded by a quiet, careful, convenient culture; not a culture that would give everything away and leave family and friends easily.  My mind feels the pressure of the expectations to succeed; an expectation that I have assumed for myself or felt others had of me.  I push myself for success out of pride and an ingrained need to perform and I look for the same dedication in others toward what is valuable to them in their lives.  I would like to say that I desire any success I am allowed in life to be with God, BUT, really what I need to work on is pushing for God to reign successfully in my life.  Then possibly, if I am allowed any success in my life, I may not even realize it because my focus would be on Christ and Him receiving the glory!
Lord, help me to learn this well!

Growing up the impression I had of Christians was that we were to be good, be kind, participate in church activities and no one will question you.  I think this is a very dangerous place to be!

Shane Claiborne once said this bit in a video interview I watched of him. "And then I met Jesus and He wrecked my life..."

Do you feel like following what you know God is asking you to do will wreck your life?

When I ponder this thought I realize that I am stopping halfway with my desire to follow Christ.  Am I willing to respond to God's direction in my life as Abraham did?  Currently I am compromising my relationship with my Savior due to my chosen schedule, my desire for more sleep and my desire to keep my house clean and in order - but do these things have any eternal significance?  Am I willing and am I ready to let God "wreck" the life that I am building for myself in exchange for a life of following Christ?  Am I ready to surrender my schedule and trust God with my time, with my need for rest, and can I be okay with a house that isn't always clean and orderly?  Am I ready to experience the freedom that Abraham enjoyed in his obedient following of God to leave what was familiar to him and trust God with everything?

Lord, please stretch my faith and teach me to no longer compromise my relationship with You!

Are you ready?  Are you willing?


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