About Me

What is the Purpose of this Blogsite?
I very much enjoy sharing/speaking what I am learning with others at women's retreats, ladies luncheon's etc.  I enjoy sharing what lesson's I have learned and finding out how others have had similar experiences and what they have learned through them.  As I started sharing some of the tough lessons and hard things I have gone through and still am going through with other women....God has allowed relationships to blossom that never would have otherwise.  Being able to relate to each other with our struggles and encourage each other as we learn and grow stronger through them is one of the many amazing blessings of this life!  This is purposeful living!  Although many personal stories and lessons from my life will not be found on this blogsite, I would consider it a privilege to be a part of your women's event and would be willing to share more of myself in that setting.  It is my purpose to be a vessel so focused on growing in Christ that He is overflowing in me and that it is His overflow that is ministering to those around me, rather than myself.

Who Am I?
I am an unfinished pot. I am clay that prefers to be wet and soft - able to be molded by The Potter, Jesus Christ. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece, mentor and friend to various people in my life. I am a part of the family of God - an undeserved eternal inheritance. I am passionate about growing and learning to be a woman whose human image is becoming less visible as Christ's image becomes more visible in my life and deeply desire to share this experience with others. I thoroughly enjoy youth ministry and women's ministry. I am blessed to be able to walk alongside women of all different ages, growing and learning with them in an intentional way. Most importantly I am a woman who's heart's desire is for God to be glorified. As I prioritize my relationship with Christ, it is my prayer that out of His overflow, I may be able to minister to others around me in such a way that God alone is glorified.

If you would be willing to allow me to be a part of your women's event; please email me at  sarahlgraber@gmail.com  and I will promptly respond!

Thank you!