
Prayer Walk by Janet Holm McHenry

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was practical, encouraging and motivating. I have struggled to be
intentional about fitting both the exercise of walking and importance of prayer into my daily routine and
never thought to combine them! I am looking forward to building this habit and eventually reflecting
back on how the application of prayer walking has caused spiritual growth in my life. The 30-day Prayer
Walk Challenge is such a blessing and really helps you to focus more on the bigger picture around you
and less on yourself. Amen to that! The Bible study questions were enjoyed and I desire to do this
as a Bible study with a group of ladies. I think it would be wonderful to encourage and motivate each
other to build this habit and then be able to share in the joy that we are experiencing because of it! I
definitely recommend this book!

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.