Steven Furtick does a great job challenging his readers to consider, and better understand the importance of sun stand still prayers. His book is easy to understand but very challenging. He is truthful in his use of scripture and is an excellent teacher who leaves you without excuse to add the mentality of sun stand still prayers to your spiritual journey! I thoroughly enjoyed the level of understanding that Steven Furtick provided and the all around coverage of the topic that leaves no room for doubt or excuses for lack of application. He stresses the importance that everything needs to ultimately be glorifiying to God. On page 99 of this book Steven talks about living “a life that can only be explained by the existence of a God who is infinitely great.” This challenged me to examine my own life and how I am living out my faith. Does my life reflect my creator? This book caused me to also take a second look at the tough moments in my life through a lense of opportunity; a perspective that I need to make use of more often! Steven Furtick calls us to know God better by knowing His word and His promises and then through Christ’s work in our lives be an amazing vessel for His use and His glory. I highly recommend this book!
FTC Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.